30 years on!

An unforgettable anniversary

The 30th anniversary of the association Sur le chemin de Robert Louis Stevenson

The Cévennes association, who celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2024, was set up in 1994 to bring together those involved in tourism in the vicinity of the route followed by R.L. Stevenson in his book “Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes” (published in 1878).

Over the last thirty years, in addition to a signposted route (GR 70), many cultural initiatives have been launched, bringing together travellers and locals alike. The experience of working in a network has led the association to turn to other associations around Stevenson .

The anniversary programme was extremely varied:

  • Lectures (by Bernard Bourrié, Marinette Mazoyer, Pierre Présumey for his book ‘L’Ecossais’)
  • Exhibitions of paintings in the shops, creations by students and high school students from St Pierre-St Paul, children’s drawings, water colours by Anne LE MAITRE, comic strips by Juliette LEVEJAC,

  • Walks were organised to explore the surrounding area. One of the walks brought together 140 people, visitors and locals, young and old, who walked with the donkeys. What a great way to meet people!
  • The donkeys took part in the activities, taking part in the donkey parade (decorated by the youngest children), or enjoying a petting session.

Donkeys ready for the parade

  • Concerts were given by the Lozère departmental school of Musique de Lozère and the group Langogne en chantant, and the AR’AMIS showed off a very curious stage lodging during the theatre evening.
  • And the group Cabr’e Can got young and old alike dancing!

The involvement of everyone; residents, schoolchildren, the Langogne commune and members of the association helped make the 30th anniversary celebrations a memorable, dignified and joyous occasion.

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