A new book: Sur les chemins de Stevenson, Cévennes and other European itineraries

Here’s a new book on Stevenson , presenting several itineraries in Europe.

Editions Gallimard has just released a new addition to its ‘Voyages Gallimard’ collection.

This book is based on the travel accounts of journalist-authors who have travelled several of Stevenson’s routes in France and Scotland, each in their own way: with a donkey in the Cévennes of course, on foot in the Fontainebleau region, on the Stevenson Way or The Lothian, but also by bike along the rivers and canals of the North.

Each of the contributors relate their journeys, their encounters and their impressions describing the landscapes, following in Stevenson ‘s footsteps, “the Stevenson way “.

Illustrations feature prominently in this quality publication.

The European network and the travelling writer are of course presented.

Some practical information will help future travellers to follow in the footsteps of Robert Louis Stevenson.

This is a book you’ll want to get your hands on at any good bookshop. This first edition is in French for the moment while waiting for the translations that are sure to follow.

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