
22 April 2019

Mini Gazette: Maroilles Three communes to animate the lock house of Hachette, Sunday, April 28, 2019

An article from the daily “La voix du Nord” announcing a recent event around the Hachette lock on the Sambre canal Sunday, April 28, 2019: Maroilles Three communes to animate the lock house of Hachette 

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2 April 2019

The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe awarded the Carlos V European Award

Contributor: Stefano Dominioni, Council of Europe Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes. Rosa Balas, Director General of External Action of the Regional Government of Extremadura and President of the Executive Committee of the European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation, has announced that the jury of the Carlos V European Award has decided to award […]

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25 March 2019

Causse & Cevennes article celebrates Robert Louis Stevenson and the 140th anniversary of Travels in the Cévennes with a donkey

Contributor: Christian Brochier The path of the Cévennes and the history of its rediscovery, from its first integral waymarking (1977) to the (very) festive events that marked the centenary of the “travels in the Cévennes with a donkey “. We owe it all to the Club Cévenol, an avant-garde Association created in 1994 to publicize […]

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11 March 2019

Robert Louis Stevenson – one of the most read authors in the world

Contributor: Christian Brochier Robert Louis Stevenson is confirmed as one of the most read authors of all time according to OCLC, the non-profit global library cooperative. The novels by RLS ‘Treasure Island’ appears 5th and ‘Kidnapped’ 71st in the ‘The Library 100’ – the list of most popular novels of all time.

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18 February 2019

Stevenson on the motorway!

Contributor: Bruno Siwiak, l’association “Au fil du temps“ Some news from Northern France: The autoroute company SANEF will install new signs along the A26, the so-called ‘English Highway,’ of which one will be related to RLS, I let you discover with the link”:

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28 January 2019

Industrial heritage in Northern France – a Canal pump ‘machine à Robert’

Contributor: Andrew Brown, Canaux et rivières du Nord Andrew Brown, a member of our European network through his membership of the Northern Canals and Rivers Network, passionate about Edith Cavell (British nurse who cared for wounded soldiers during the “Great War” and helped many Allied soldiers to escape from Belgium, it was shot by the […]

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